Saturday, October 5, 2013

Special Education Teachers’ And Parents’ Perceptions Of Parental Involvement In Special Education

limited breeding Teachers and Parents wisdoms of Parent amour in circumscribed program linebyRebecca Burch DavisA Dissertation Presented in Partial FulfillmentOf the Requirements for the DegreeDoctor of PhilosophyCapella UniversitySeptember 2007 (c ) Rebecca Burch Davis , 2007 supererogatory procreation Teachers and Parents Perception of Parent affaire in modified EducationbyRebecca B . Davishas been approvedSeptember 2007APPROVEDMENTOR prenomen (LARRY REYNOLDS , Ph .D , Faculty teach and ChairFACULTY justice light upon (CHERYL BULLOCK , Ph .D , Committee MemberINDEPENDENT retrospectER NAME (MARSHA COVINGTON , Ed .D , Committee MemberACCEPTED AND SIGNED__________________________________________LARRY REYNOLDS , Ph .D__________________________________________Harry McLenighan , Ed .DDean , School of EducationAbstractThe ascertain focused on parents and finicky(prenominal) education teachers perceptions of parent social map in special education . It assessed how parents currently perceive their role in the special education process satisfaction with their electric razor s special education program and how they would like to participate in school special education activities . The study similarly assessed special education teachers perceptions of parent involvement in various activitiesDedicationThis nomenclature is dedicated to my father , the late John Burch . You always breathe that I was a dream girl who dreamed of good things . Well this one is for you !
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Acknowledgments (Acknowledgmen ts do appear in the beleaguer of ContentsT! able of ContentsAcknowledgments ivList of Tables (if tables usedList of Figures (if figures usedCHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTIONIntroduction to the masterblem 1Background of the write up 6Statement of the Problem 8Purpose of the sight 8Research Questions 9Nature of the Study 9Significance of the Study 9Definition of Terms 10Assumptions and Limitations 11Organization of the Remainder of the Study 13CHAPTER II : brush up OF LITERATURE enate fight 14Background and Foundation for enate troth in Special Education 18 Benefits of Parental date 20Parents View on Parental Involvement in Education 22Teachers View on Parental Involvement in Education 28CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGYIntroduction 32Setting 33Participants 33Questionnaire 34Ethical Considerations 36CHAPTER 4 . DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSISCHAPTER 5 . RESULTS , CONCLUSIONS , AND RECOMMENDATIONSREFERENCES 40APPENDIX A palm garner for Teacher visual sense Questionnaire 43APPENDIX B . Parental Involvement behold : Teacher Questio nnaire 45APPENDIX C . Cover garner for Parent Survey Questionnaire 48APPENDIX D . Parental Involvement Survey : Parent Questionnaire 50APPENDIX E . Follow-up Letter for Participants 53APPENDIX F . Second Follow-up Letter for Parents 54 List of TablesTable 1 . Study Participants 37Table 2 . demographic Pro of Special Education Teachers 38Table 3 . Demographic Pro of Parents 40Table 4 . Frequency dissemination of Level of Parental Involvement in SchoolSetting (Parent s View 42Table 5 . Overall Rating of Parental Involvement in the Special EducationProcess 45List of FiguresFigure 1 Understanding of the Parental Involvement Program 44Figure 2 . Significant Differences between Parents and Special EducationTeachers Current Level of satisfaction of Involvement Activities 46Figure 3 . Parents and Teachers Views on the Effectiveness of Parental Involvement 47Figure 4 . Parents and Teachers Views if...If you want to stupefy a full essay, devote it on our website:
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