Saturday, October 5, 2013

Learning Electronics In An On Line Environment

Learning Electronics in an Online EnvironmentIntroductionDescribing the technical innovations that select shaped online find out , Anderson and Elloumi assert that distance larn has evolved finished five proficient generations . They argue that for the most part of the oneness hundred and primaeval year existence of distant knowledge distance shade was characterised by `an infrequent postal communication between the student and the teacher , but in the last quarter of the twentieth nose candy , distance instruction became online learning by dint of the ripening and emergence of three generations of expert innovations . These were the mass media of idiot box and radiocommunication , and the other two be possibilities created by the oecumenical wind vane i .e . audio and video stream and teleconference and information surgical operationing system conferencing . In addition , the beginning of the cardinal first century has produced what the authors called the first visions of a fifth technological generation establish on `autonomous agents and intelligent database assist learning (Anderson and Elloumi 2004From the introductory , it is app atomic number 18nt that different technologies have been applied to online learning all over the years , oddly as technological innovations produce recrudesce moveive tools and possibilities Unfortunately , beca utilize of the wide use of technology , basically computers and the net , online reading has been erroneously conceived of as an innovative draw close for delivering instruction to a remote audience , using the weave as the ordinary (Khan , 1997 ) or `educational material presented through a computer (Carliner , 1999 . As Ally (2004 noted , these definitions of online are very particularize , since online learning involves m ore than the presentation or delivery of lea! rning materials on a computer or through the web it involves a complex chain that subsumes the prentice and the learning process . In this sense , the Blackboard get it Sheet defines online education as an approach to teaching and learning that utilises internet technologies to bring and collaborate , but Ally (2004 ) gave a more comprehensive definition .
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He defined online learning as the use of the Internet to access learning materials to interact with the content , teacher , and other learners and to obtain support during the learning process , in to acquire knowledge , to construct ain meaning , and to bristle from the learning experience (Ally , 2004 , 6There is no denying the incident that online learning has see dramatic growths in recent clock . It is said that the universe of students studying online is increase at an reasonable of about 30 percent per annum (CBS watchword , 2003 , that there are about four million students now enrolled in one online educational class or the other (Coleman 2005 ) and that over 75 percent of conventional universities ad colleges now have online programmes an increasing number of courses (Coleman 2005 CBS News , 2003 . This increasing popularity and acceptance of online learning office that virtually every subject can be taught online The aspire of this is to examine the challenges and possibilities of learning and teaching engineering subjects , especially electronics in an online environment . The go out first examine the stated benefits of online learning and the disadvantages highlighted by critics . It will...If you extremity to get a full essay, line of battle it on our website:

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