Thursday, October 10, 2013

Css Geography Past Papers

{D*K}| wolfi Repeated Questions of Geography: Geography deliver up 1 attainforms 2011- What are the corrodingal and depositional features of winds? wrangle any one group of features in detail. 2010- recognise landforms and evolution of landscapes of glaciation in the mid(prenominal) and high latitudes. 2009- put out in detail on the action of the river in its youth, maturity, and senescent age. 2009- Wind produces a sorting of interesting sequential landforms both(prenominal) erosional and depositional. dissertate. 2008- Karst topography is a distinctive type of terrrain resulting largest from erosion by groundwater and fade mineral matter can be deposited in a number of ways. Discuss with examples. 2008- All landforms go through a cycle of youth, maturity and old oge. Discuss with example of antithetic erosional and depositional agents. 2007- Discuss the origin and characteristics of the landforms produced by glaciers. 2007- translate a plan acc ount of fluvial cycle of erosion? 2006- Briefly let off the features associated with: a. Submerged coastlines b. Emerged coastlines 2006- Outline the processes by which a river produces various Land features describing its path of transportation. 2005- What do you go about major landforms? key out the landforms produced by the glaciers?
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2004- What do you know about Oceanic depositions? Discuss in detail. 2003- What is glaciation? stupefy out the land forms associated with glaciation in the highland areas. 2002- Describe the conditions infixed for the development of Karst Topography, List the principal features of Karst region. 2002- Examine the evolution of Aeolian Lan d forms. 2001- Define glacier. How would y! ou categorise them according to ihc mode of system? Explain with the help of diagrams the characteristic, features of a glaciated region. 2000- Describe and apologize the ways in which each of the following forswear landforms stand up: (a) Mesa (b) Pedestal rock (c) Barchan (d) Playa (e) Wadi Ocean Currents...If you desire to trounce a full essay, order it on our website:

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